On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 10:22 PM, Claudio Steel

> Yes, I'm pretty sure that is exactly what you mean and very smart idea.
> However, I'd like to test small on this and rather than add and setup two
> OTHER mods, I would like to just for this instance, statically add the file
> path and make sure this thing has at least some life to it. So I  changed
> the line in my apps config file to
> __PACKAGE__->log(Log::Log4perl::Catalyst->new('/var/www/docttour/log4perl.conf'));
> instead of the relative path and its still goes boom.
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 8:58 AM, claudio.steel.us <
> claudio.steel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ok im very new to all of this so im a bit lost in what your explanation
>> is. Can I assume you mean that I need to declare the entire (absolute) file
>> path? secondly, this would break the app if I had it on a VN so i should
>> use the file::shardir thing?
>> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note™, an AT&T LTE smartphone
>> ok im very new to all of this so im a bit lost in what your explanation
>> is. Can I assume you mean that I need to declare the entire (absolute) file
>> path? secondly, this would break the app if I had it on a VN so i should
>> use the file::shardir thing?
>> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note™, an AT&T LTE smartphone
>> Alexander Hartmaier <alex.hartma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 7:59 AM, Claudio Steel <
>> claudio.steel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Ok I have read both of these but I'm a little fuzzy on what I did wrong
>>> since it seems so straight forward.
>>> 1. Have it installed and added to the makefile
>>> 2. In my apps  'myapp.pm' I added
>>> use Log::Log4perl::Catalyst;
>>> and ...
>>> __PACKAGE__->log(Log::Log4perl::Catalyst->new('log4perl.conf'));
>>> 3. I made a file chmod to 775 in the root directory of the app called
>>> log4perl.conf.
>>> 4. In the config file i added the following:
>>> #log4perl.category= WARN, Logfile
>>> log4perl.appender.LOGFILE=Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
>>> log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename = /log/debug.log
>>> 5. I made a directory, chmod to 775 recursive, in the root directory,
>>> 'log/debug.log'
The Catalyst application's root directory or /?
In case of /log/debug.log check the file permissions.

>>> So, unless I comment line 1 of the config I get a 502 error. Once
>>> commented the app restarts but doesn't log anything. Any ideas?
http 502? That's 'bad gateway' and normally only happens behind for example
a fastcgi proxy.

>> You didn't specify the absolute path of log4perl.conf and you can't rely
>> on the current directory.
>> Use File::ShareDir of what I suggested previously.
>>> On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Alexander Hartmaier <
>>> alex.hartma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 6:51 AM, Mike Schilli <m...@perlmeister.com>wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 14 Mar 2014, Claudio Steel wrote:
>>>>> > I have a new catalyst app and i think your module is exactly what I
>>>>> need. However, I'm not
>>>>> > able to find where I can set the file path that I want the log to be
>>>>> written to. Any advice
>>>>> > you have is appreciated.
>>>>> Check out
>>>>> http://search.cpan.org/~mschilli/Log-Log4perl-1.42/lib/Log/Log4perl/Catalyst.pm
>>>>> which says that you can provide a configuration file like
>>>>>       __PACKAGE__->log(Log::Log4perl::Catalyst->new('l4p.conf'));
>>>>> and in your configuration file you can specify a file appender with
>>>>> a user-defined path:
>>>>>          # l4p.conf
>>>>>         log4perl.category         = WARN, Logfile
I'm not sure if you can assign a log level and appender directory to
category, the Log4perl docs only show log4perl.rootLogger = and
log4perl.category.Foo.Bar = examples.
If all this still doesn't help try to get it working in a simple script
without Catalyst.

>            log4perl.appender.Logfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
>>>>>          log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename = /foo/bar/test.log
>>>>>          log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout =
>>>>> Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
>>>>>          log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %F{1}
>>>>> %L> %m %n
>>>>> Hope this helps!
>>>>> --
>>>>> -- Mike
>>>> That's how we do it in our Catalyst apps:
>>>> In the Catalyst app class:
>>>> =item finalize_config
>>>> Initializes the logger after the config file merging and loading is
>>>> done.
>>>> =cut
>>>> sub finalize_config {
>>>>     my $class = shift;
>>>>     $class->next::method(@_);
>>>>     $class->log(Log::Log4perl::Catalyst->new($class->config->{log}));
>>>> }
>>>> That way we can configure the logging in the Catalyst config file(s)
>>>> loaded by Plugin::ConfigLoader with merging and not have a separate one
>>>> just for logging.
>>>> Best regards, Alex
>>>>> Mike Schilli
>>>>> m...@perlmeister.com
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Learn Graph Databases - Download FREE O'Reilly Book
>>>>> "Graph Databases" is the definitive new guide to graph databases and
>>>>> their
>>>>> applications. Written by three acclaimed leaders in the field,
>>>>> this first edition is now available. Download your free book today!
>>>>> http://p.sf.net/sfu/13534_NeoTech
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> log4perl-devel mailing list
>>>>> log4perl-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>>>>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/log4perl-devel
>>> --
>>> -Claudio Steel
>> On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 7:59 AM, Claudio Steel <
>> claudio.steel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ok I have read both of these but I'm a little fuzzy on what I did wrong
>> since it seems so straight forward.
>> 1. Have it installed and added to the makefile
>> 2. In my apps  'myapp.pm' I added
>> use Log::Log4perl::Catalyst;
>> and ...
>> __PACKAGE__->log(Log::Log4perl::Catalyst->new('log4perl.conf'));
>> 3. I made a file chmod to 775 in the root directory of the app called
>> log4perl.conf.
>> 4. In the config file i added the following:
>> #log4perl.category= WARN, Logfile
>> log4perl.appender.LOGFILE=Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
>> log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename = /log/debug.log
>> 5. I made a directory, chmod to 775 recursive, in the root directory,
>> 'log/debug.log'
>> So, unless I comment line 1 of the config I get a 502 error. Once
>> commented the app restarts but doesn't log anything. Any ideas?
>> You didn't specify the absolute path of log4perl.conf and you can't rely
>> on the current directory.
>> Use File::ShareDir of what I suggested previously.
>> On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Alexander Hartmaier <
>> alex.hartma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 6:51 AM, Mike Schilli <m...@perlmeister.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, 14 Mar 2014, Claudio Steel wrote:
>> > I have a new catalyst app and i think your module is exactly what I
>> need. However, I'm not
>> > able to find where I can set the file path that I want the log to be
>> written to. Any advice
>> > you have is appreciated.
>> Check out
>> http://search.cpan.org/~mschilli/Log-Log4perl-1.42/lib/Log/Log4perl/Catalyst.pm
>> which says that you can provide a configuration file like
>>       __PACKAGE__->log(Log::Log4perl::Catalyst->new('l4p.conf'));
>> and in your configuration file you can specify a file appender with
>> a user-defined path:
>>          # l4p.conf
>>         log4perl.category         = WARN, Logfile
>>          log4perl.appender.Logfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
>>          log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename = /foo/bar/test.log
>>          log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout =
>> Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
>>          log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %F{1}
>> %L> %m %n
>> Hope this helps!
>> --
>> -- Mike
>> That's how we do it in our Catalyst apps:
>> In the Catalyst app class:
>> =item finalize_config
>> Initializes the logger after the config file merging and loading is done.
>> =cut
>> sub finalize_config {
>>     my $class = shift;
>>     $class->next::method(@_);
>>     $class->log(Log::Log4perl::Catalyst->new($class->config->{log}));
>> }
>> That way we can configure the logging in the Catalyst config file(s)
>> loaded by Plugin::ConfigLoader with merging and not have a separate one
>> just for logging.
>> Best regards, Alex
>> Mike Schilli
>> m...@perlmeister.com
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Learn Graph Databases - Download FREE O'Reilly Book
>> "Graph Databases" is the definitive new guide to graph databases and their
>> applications. Written by three acclaimed leaders in the field,
>> this first edition is now available. Download your free book today!
>> http://p.sf.net/sfu/13534_NeoTech
>> _______________________________________________
>> log4perl-devel mailing list
>> log4perl-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/log4perl-devel
>> --
>> -Claudio Steel
> --
> -Claudio Steel
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"Graph Databases" is the definitive new guide to graph databases and their
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