On Sun, 16 Mar 2014, Sonderegger, Markus wrote:

I noticed that $logger->logcroak("Go to Syslog”) is not seen in syslog
because the FATAL error level is not mapped to one of the
Log::Dispatch::Syslog levels.

This is a bug in earlier versions of Sys::Syslog, not Log4perl.

Make sure you have a recent installation of Sys::Syslog, the problem got
fixed in 0.31:


0.31 -- 2012.08.18 -- Sebastien Aperghis-Tramoni (SAPER) [BUGFIX] Level
  'emerg' could not be used since v0.29.

Simply get the latest Sys::Syslog (0.33) from CPAN, and you're golden.

-- -- Mike

Mike Schilli

Is there a way to circumvent this or do I oversee anything?




Dr. Markus Sonderegger

Application Integration

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