2009/10/30 Ryan Leach <rsw.le...@gmail.com>:
> The one's I think you must be talking about are the names of the
> languages- I got them directly off the lojban.org pages. They are
> lujvo cmene- I don't know what else to call them. I will post the
> links to them here. If you would like me to rename the quizes and
> lujvo AND cmene, I can do that- no problem.
> links showing where I got the offending words:
> http://www.lojban.org/tiki/Names+of+Languages

It's not your fault that the terminology is somewhat confusing. Allow
me to explain.

A cmene is something that the gadri "la" makes. "la" can be attached
to e.g. "jbobau" or "lojban". So both "la jbobau" and "la lojban" are
cmene. The difference is of course the thing to which the gadri is
attached, i.e. selgadri. "jbobau" has a consonant cluster and ends
with a vowel, that is the definition for brivla. "lojban" ends with a
consonant, that is the definition for cmevla. Both brivla and cmevla
are no cmene without "la".

What the term "lujvo cmene" would most likely refer to is the form of
"la jbobau", not of "la lojban" or "lojban". You might say: "lojban"
comes from the lujvo "lojbangu", and "la lojban" is a cmene, so it's a
lujvo-ish cmene, that is a lujvo cmene. But then we would lose the
best distinguishing label for "la jbobau". Instead, we might refer to
"la lojban" as a cmevla cmene.

mu'o mi'e tijlan

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