Seems like we've made a reasonable start on this project. We already
have a few scripts written - anyone want to report progress on any of 
the others?

What we need now is to start to impose some structure on the project.
Here are a few ideas:

* CVS Repository (on Penderel?)

* Testing both our versions and the originals on as many platforms as
possible. Ensuring that our scripts do the same thing as Matt's.

* Licensing. Matt has a huge great license on all of his scripts. We
should replace it with the standard "under the same tersm as Perl
itself" statement.

* Copyright. All the scripts (and the HTML pages) have Matt's copyright.
We should change that to ours.

* HTML. Most of the scripts have associated HTML pages. I've not looked
at them yet, but judging by the HTML I've seen in the scripts I've 
looked at, Matt's HTML isn't much better than his Perl. I'd recommend
changing all the HTML to XHTML.

* Bundling. Need to build gzipped tarballs of our new versions (I guess
this should be built on top of the CVS stuff). Matt makes pkzipped
versions avaiable as well - so should we.

* Web page. Need somewhere to point potential users at. Probably two
versions - one for the developers and one for the users. This can be
a subdirectory on

Anyone fancy taling any of that on?


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