Although I didn't make it to the pub after Damian's talk I did hear from my
sources that someone thought it would be 'useful' to convert to
print pony instead.  So here it is, it isn't quite the same as
Bleach but it produces a similar result.



package Pony; 
$VERSION = '1.00';             # MSR - 28 Feb 2001
$magic = "pony " x 4;
sub pony { local $_ = unpack("b*", pop); s/0/ /g; s/1/pony/g; $magic.$_ }
sub depony { local $_ = pop; s/^$magic//; s/pony/1/g; s/ /0/g; pack("b*",
$_) }
open 0 or die;
($script = join("", <0>)) =~ s/^(.*^use\s+Pony\s*;\s*?\n)//sm;
$header = $1;
do { eval depony($script); exit } if ($script =~ /^$magic/);
open(0, ">$0") or die;
print {0} $header.pony($script);

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