On Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 05:37:45PM +0100, Nigel Rantor wrote:
> You may all get your rocks ready for this one, I expect a stoning from 
> the zealots. (and Lusercop because he can't resist a good stoning)

:-) I don't tend to reply to buffy threads, not particularly agreeing with
the apparent general trend towards liking it. As my current housemate once
said in answer to my "so what is all the fuss about BtVS" and he replied
"I think the fuss is about two things...". I've never seen The Prisoner,
though I'd like to, from the things I've heard about it.

At the moment, though, I'm just too shattered to even try and lift the stone,
let alone aiming it and throwing it. ;-)

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