On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 10:05:39AM +0100, Shevek wrote:
> Since mail15 alway use exactly the same subject line, I use spamassassin 
> to make sure that it's a real mail15 line, and then procmail to ditch any 
> mails tagged as spam having that subject line.
> To be honest, you could probably just ditch by subject line alone.

I think that this doesn't answer one of the important parts of his question:

> > This is obviously somewhat upsetting - it may get marked as spam, but
> > I'm still taking a fairly major bandwidth hit, and it's clogging up my
> > spam folder, making it very very difficult to spot if I get any false
> > positives.

> > Can anyone suggest how one might convince Exim 3 to do this?

How would one do the ditching at SMTP time?

Nicholas Clark

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