Paul Makepeace wrote:
One aspect, that befalls any abstraction system, is that you run into
a situation where a lot of work is being hidden behind a simple

True, although this is something that can be easily mitigated with a
bespoke object method or two and an orcish manoeuvre.

  package My::User;

  use base 'My::Database::Record';

  sub roles {
      my $self = shift;
      return $self->{ roles } ||= {
          map { $_->role => $_ }
          $self->model->roles->fetch( user_id => $self->{ id } )

  sub has_role {
      my ($self, $role) = @_;
      return $self->roles->{ $role };

These kind of methods can be auto-generated quite easily.

Nevertheless, it does require someone to think about these kind of
issues and design the system accordingly.


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