On 09/10/2014 13:28, Andrew Beverley wrote:
But what if I want to fetch an artist's details and his latest album?

This requirement appears to only want the answer for a single artist, and the way the question is framed implies that there will be only one latest album for a given artist.

But I see that a couple of responders have provided solutions to retrieve the answer for multiple artists, and to cover the case where an artist has released two albums at the same time.

Abigail's approach uses a subquery.

Gianni's approach uses a window function (and it seems it would work even if an artist released two albums at the same time).

Another approach would be to re-frame the question as:

"For each artist, tell me about any of their albums for which they have made no later release."

This then gives a clue to a possible other solution involving an anti-join:

  -- Or whatever fields you like
    JOIN album subject_album
      ON subject_album.artist_id = artist.id
    LEFT JOIN album later_album
        later_album.artist_id = subject_album.artist_id
        AND later_album.release_date > subject_album.release_date
    later_album.artist_id IS NULL
    -- AND any other conditions you like


This should work for the case where an artist has released two albums at the same time.



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