Hi Adam,

Maybe this will help? There's a place in the lts.conf file where you can
list those things that are on the server that you don't want put into the
client image. The info to do this is on Alkis' ltsp-pnp page at:
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/ltsp-pnp in the "editing
lts.conf" section.

> It's recommended that you don't install too many services on your LTSP
> server (e.g. apache, clamav, ...), but if you do, you may prevent them from
> running on your clients with the RM_SYSTEM_SERVICES lts.conf directive.

Good luck,

On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 3:16 PM, LTSP-PNP Adam <adam-l...@abix.info.pl>

> I have ltsp-pnp installed on xubuntu 16.04. everything works, but I have
> something in /etc/rc.local on server, which is copied of course to image,
> which is running on client. But I don't want to have the same rc.local on
> server and in image.
> Is there a way to achive that ? Can I take control over the files inside
> image before img file is create ?
> Best regards,
> Adam
> --
> I'm  using xUbuntu 16.04 LTS with LTSP-PNP
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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