
Maybe a little faster as a conclusion because there is the same issue with XFCE and this issue was not present in Ubuntu 12.04 and I changed ltsp version (5.3.7 to 5.5.1) !
Maybe xrandr_command (I10-xrandr) script is no longer suitable ! DV

Le 19/09/2016 à 11:46, Alkis Georgopoulos a écrit :
On 19/09/2016 12:24 μμ, lpadumorvan wrote:

I do not use unity, I use gnome-fallback

In lts.conf I have

LDM_SESSION="gnome-session --session=gnome-fallback"

If I select the "xterm" session, "--same-as" work fine !

What is stopping xrandr_command during the opening session. Have you any



Ask in the gnome-flashback mailing list, it's not an LTSP issue.

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