  El jue, 19-01-2017 a las 08:44 +0200, Alkis Georgopoulos escribió:

On 18/01/2017 06:32 μμ, Rolf-Werner Eilert wrote:
>> Alkis, this is an interesting value, >3000 for a new fat client. You
>> right, in this case I would need the big ones with fans. Is this just
>> what you read or based on own experience?

> My experience with 1000+ schools.
> That's what we ended up putting in our official hardware specs for 
> them;

> use google translate on this, if you want:
> http://blogs.sch.gr/plinetio/specifications [1]

I've been reading this thread and it got me thinking.
I've implemented LTSP only once in a local school, my understanding of
it at the time, was to have one Resourceful server that could split its
brainpower to other machines not so powerful.
Well, that didn't go so well, so i hang around to better understand the
"real" scope for LTSP.

Seen that you recommend i3 as light clients, which are kind of
expensive around here, i wonder, why not just make standalone
installations?, I've come to an answer of to take care of administrative
Then, should LTSP be seen as an administrative software for other
machines?, such as Puppet or some other administrative platforms.

Or am i missing the bigger point here?
It seems like i've take a lot of time to understand how to run it, but
very few on whats the scope.
Any site you recommend to fully grasp the whole idea.


> IMHO J1900's are not good enough for "fluid" web browsing, and of 
> course
> not nearly enough for more intensive tasks like running a VM or even
> Minecraft.

> Of course one's needs and expectations of the UI responsiveness will
> vary.


[1] http://blogs.sch.gr/plinetio/specifications

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