We are indeed exploring a few ways to extract the traces through ADB at the
moment, but our work has barely taken off yet; we should have a more solid
grasp on the subject in a few more days. Until then, I believe other
students that are part of this work group are on the mailing list (and they
could have explored the topic a bit more than I did), and might be able to
give you a few more details today or tomorrow.

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 10:23 AM, Matthew Khouzam <
matthew.khou...@ericsson.com> wrote:

>  I believe a group at l'ecole polytechnique de Montreal is working on
> this, Genvieve, could you please comment more?
> On 13-01-21 06:48 AM, Amit Balboul wrote:
> Hi,
>  Is there a way to build the LTTng tools to Android (3.0.31) on ARM ??
>  I've managed to compile the modules(2.0.6), put them in the Android
> device and modprobe them.
> Now I would like to extract the traces logs from the device.
> How can I do it ?
> Is there any support for this at all in the LTTng project ?
>  Thank you for your response !
>  Amit.
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