Hi all,

I am investigating an issue that takes some time to reproduce. Finding
the right point in the logs is therefore very difficult.

Since I can detect when the issue happens in the kernel I would like to
be able to emit an event into the trace that I can then search for in
Trace Compass of through Babeltrace. So basically a kind of flag that
says "look here". That way I can jump right to the problem and then
look backwards from there to see what happened just before.

I have looked at the docs for how to add a trace point, but it seems
pretty complicated. I may have missed something though, so I wonder if
there is a trivial way to add such a flag to the log? Up to now I just
put a printk() in which helps, but would still be nicer to have
something directly in the log.

If there isn't such a thing already, then would it be a reasonable
enhancement request to be able to add such a feature?


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