On Feb 14, 2005, at 1:53 PM, Doug Cutting wrote:
Erik Hatcher wrote:
I'm really at the limit of my bandwidth - I've got the sandbox restructuring effort on my plate right now and would like it if someone could pick up the ball on the web site side of things.

Then perhaps you shouldn't have redirected everything to lucene.apache.org...

I think the redirects are all fine now. Let me know if not.

As for my bandwidth - I don't mind fiddling with the redirects and such. What I meant is that I'm not planning on spending time revamping the actual HTML itself in terms of Forrestization.

We need to fix this ASAP. I just checked out the java lucene docs in http://lucene.apache.org/java/. Now we just need to fixup the redirects, so that http://lucene.apache.org/ and http://jakarta.apache.org/lucene/ both redirect to http://lucene.apache.org/java/.

Actually it should have been checked out to /java/docs to mirror how the jakarta site was set up. I've corrected this.

I added a symlink to the jakarta api docs until we figure out how we want to deal with it. Hopefully that all works fine too.

How did you implement the redirect? It's not a meta redirect, so they must be in the web server configuration? How does one change that?

.htaccess files. The Jakarta redirect is in the site module in Subversion, under docs. The redirect is this:

        RedirectMatch Permanent ^/lucene(.*) http://lucene.apache.org/java$1

On the lucene.apache.org side, there is a .htaccess in /www/lucene.apache.org - though we should get this in SVN some where I suppose.

It's worth looking at what various search engines list for Lucene and making sure that those links are not broken:


As far as I can tell, all the redirects should be working fine for the URL's I see there. If you see otherwise, let me know.


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