On Feb 23, 2005, at 12:06 PM, Doug Cutting wrote:

fix broken links to source
-&nbsp;<a href="../../src/demo/org/apache/lucene/demo/ FileDocument.java">FileDocument.java</a> contains
+&nbsp;<a href="http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/java/trunk/src/demo/org/ apache/lucene/demo/FileDocument.java">FileDocument.java</a> contains

This makes the docs point to the current version of the code, rather than a version synchronized with the docs, and also makes the docs no-longer standalone.

These links used to work both on the website and in a release, always pointing to a version in sync with the javadocs. For it to work on the website, the src/demo tree needed to be checked out from CVS on www.apache.org and updated whenever the javadocs were updated. In releases we always package the demo source code.

We could do the same thing now that things are in subversion, no?

Perhaps what we need is an svn:externals mapping for a "site" where we aggregate all the things we want in the website so we can do an easy checkout to build the site.

Those few links point to demo code that hasn't changed in ages. Someone reported to me privately that the links were broken - thats why I "fixed" them.

To truly do the site right, we'd probably want the site to reflect a specific released version of Lucene and only update the docs/code when a new release is made. I believe all this should be possible with svn:externals. Volunteers to set that up?


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