Erik Hatcher wrote:

I'm personally not a fan of all those reports.

I wrote it (at least the first impl under Alexandria) ;) Ha... I guess I'm biases ;)

They are nice and all, but rarely add much. If folks need to x-ref the code then why not do it with the actual source code locally (and within an IDE its easy).

I can dive in and figure out the source without doing a CVS checkout. I can also use permalinks to methods and line numbers which is HUGE

Maven essentially gives you this for free...

Maven schmaven :) All I wanted was a (Lucene) JAR and I got a website. The bulk of what Maven produces is fluff.

No way... .jar task from one line of XML! The problem with Ant is that its an XML code generator ;)

Granted I'm quite biased though, so others are welcome to override me on this. I don't think Maven would do a good job in terms of our contrib area build integration, which is what I'm (slowly but surely) working on.

Maybe... you'd no better than I would.

The cool thing is that you could use Maven and ant concurrently. We do in FeedParser...

If you'd like to contribute a patch to add JXR to the Ant build, I'd be happy to evaluate it and add it. If we move to Maven, others will have to step up to refactor the build process - its not my cup of tea.

I'm not trying to push maven. I was just noting that you'd get JXR output pretty quickly.

Anyway... not a big deal.



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