Wow! What a tempest in a teapot this one has become!

Here are the options as I see them.

1. Change TooManyClauses to directly extend Exception.

This is unacceptable. We cannot force all developers to change their code for a point release.

2. Disable the feature by default.

This would be a shame. This feature saves folks who were getting mysterious (unchecked) out-of-memory errors, instead giving them an explicable (if still unchecked) error, a bit sooner, one they can catch and deal with. Practically, it only affects applications which permit rampant use of wildcards, a questionable practice anyway.

3. Change TooManyClauses to extend IOException.

IOException is already thrown by all of the search methods in question, so that applications must already deal with this. This is not ideal, as the condition doesn't actually involve i/o, but IOException is already effectively used as LuceneException. (In a 2.0 release we should, as Erik suggests, rationalize Lucene's exceptions.)

Thus I propose to implement (3). Votes?


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