On Feb 24, 2005, at 4:46 PM, Kevin A. Burton wrote:
You know ... the javadoc on the site doesn't include non-public classes like TermInfosWriter.

That is intentional.

Also.. the site doesn't have JXR output for Lucene. Would be nice to have.

I'm personally not a fan of all those reports. They are nice and all, but rarely add much. If folks need to x-ref the code then why not do it with the actual source code locally (and within an IDE its easy).

Maven essentially gives you this for free...

Maven schmaven :) All I wanted was a (Lucene) JAR and I got a website. The bulk of what Maven produces is fluff. Granted I'm quite biased though, so others are welcome to override me on this. I don't think Maven would do a good job in terms of our contrib area build integration, which is what I'm (slowly but surely) working on.

If you'd like to contribute a patch to add JXR to the Ant build, I'd be happy to evaluate it and add it. If we move to Maven, others will have to step up to refactor the build process - its not my cup of tea.


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