I have started to create a set of generic lucene document types that can 
be easily manipulated depending on the fields.
I know other have generated Documents out of PDF.
Is there some place we can add contributed classes to the lucene web 

Here my current version of the XMLDocument based on . It's a bit slow.
It uses a path (taken from Document example) and based on a field name / 
xpath pair (key / value) from either an array or property file generates
an appropriate lucene document with the specified fields.

I have not tested all permutations of Document (I have used the File, 
Properties) and it works.

It uses the xalan example ApplyXpath class to get the xml xpath.

I hope this helps.



package xxx.lucene.xml;

import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;
import org.apache.lucene.document.DateField;

import org.apache..../ApplyXpath;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.io.FileInputStream;

* A utility for making lucene document from an XML source and a set of 
* based on Document example from Lucene
public class XMLDocument
        private XMLDocument() { }

          * @param file Document that to be converted to a lucene document
          * @param propertyList properties where the key is the field 
name and the value is the
          * XML xpath.
          * @throws FileNotFoundException
          * @throws Exception
          * @return lucene document
        public static Document Document (File file, Properties propertyList)
        throws java.io.FileNotFoundException , Exception
                Document doc = new Document();
                // add path
                doc.add(Field.Text("path", file.getPath()));
                //add date modified
                //add field list in property list
                 Enumeration e = propertyList.propertyNames();
                 while (e.hasMoreElements())
                        String key = (String) e.nextElement();
                        String xpath = propertyList.getProperty(key);
                        String[] valueArray = ApplyXpath(file.getPath(),xpath);
                        StringBuffer value = new StringBuffer("");
                        for (int i=0; i < valueArray.length; i++)
                        //System.out.println("add key "+key+" wtih value = "+value);
                 return doc;

          * @return lucene document
          * @param fieldNames field names for the lucene document
          * @param file Document that to be converted to a lucene document
          * @param xpaths XML xpaths for the information you want to get
          * @throws Exception
         public static Document Document(File file, java.lang.String[] 
fieldNames, java.lang.String[] xpaths)
             if (fieldNames.length != xpaths.length)
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException ("String arrays are 
not equal size");

             Properties propertyList = new Properties();

             // generate properties from the arrays
             for (int i=0;i<fieldNames.length;i++) {

             Document doc = Document (file, propertyList);
             return doc;

          * @param path path of the Document that to be converted to a 
lucene document
          * @param keys
          * @param xpaths
          * @throws Exception
          * @return
         public static Document Document(String path, String[] 
fieldNames, String[] xpaths)
         throws Exception
             File file = new File(path);
             Document doc = Document (file, fieldNames, xpaths);
             return doc;

          * @param path path of document you want to convert to a lucene 
          * @param propertyList properties where the key is the field 
name and the value is the
          * XML xpath.
          * @throws Exception
          * @return lucene document
         public static Document Document(String path, Properties 
         throws Exception
             File file = new File(path);
             Document doc = Document (file, propertyList);
             return doc;

          * @param documentPath path of the Document that to be converted 
to a lucene document
          * @param propertyPath path of file containing properties where 
the key is the field name and the value is the
          * XML xpath.
          * @throws Exception
          * @return
         public static Document Document(String documentPath, String 
         throws Exception
             File file = new File(documentPath);
             FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(propertyPath);
             Properties propertyList = new Properties();
             Document doc = Document (file, propertyList);
             return doc;

          * @param documentFile Document that to be converted to a lucene 
          * @param propertyFile file containing properties where the key 
is the field name and the value is the
          * XML xpath.
          * @throws Exception
          * @return
         public static Document Document(File documentFile, File 
         throws Exception
             FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(propertyFile);
             Properties propertyList = new Properties();
             Document doc = Document (documentFile, propertyList);
             return doc;

         private static String filter(String key, StringBuffer value) {
             String newValue;
             newValue = value.toString();
             return newValue;

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