QueryParser is a mixed blessing. It has plenty of quirks. As you've proven to yourself, it ignores position increments and constructs a PhraseQuery of all the tokens in order, regardless of position increment.

Another oddity is that PhraseQuery doesn't deal with position increments either - each term added to it is considered in a successive position.

My best suggestion so far is to use a different analyzer for indexing than you do for querying. There is really no need to add multiple tokens per position at query time anyway, if all the relevant ones were added at indexing time. So use something that emits a more straight-forward incrementing position set of tokens during querying.


On Apr 26, 2004, at 2:34 PM, Norton, James wrote:

I am attempting to use Token.setPositionIncrement() to provide alternate forms of tokens and I have encountered strange
behavior with QueryParser. It seems to be constructing phrase queries with the alternate tokens. I don't know why the
query would be parsed as a phrase.

For example, consider an Analyzer that adds lowercase tokens to the token stream as alternate forms (position increment = 0).
Parsing the query "Bush" (quotes added for emphasis and not part of query) results in a query of text:"Bush bush" ("text" is
the default field). Whereas parsing the query "bush" results in the query text:bush. Notice the lack of quotes in the second
case, which has no alternate form appended because the token is already lowercase. Is this a bug or is there some
explanation of which I am not aware?

The following two classes provide test code verifying this behaviour.

* A test analyzer employing a TestLowerCaseFilter to demonstrate problems with
* QueryParser when dealing with multiple tokens at the same position.
public class TestAnalyzer extends Analyzer {
* Constructs a [EMAIL PROTECTED] StandardTokenizer} filtered by a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* StandardFilter} and a [EMAIL PROTECTED] TestLowerCaseFilter}.
public final TokenStream tokenStream(String fieldName, Reader reader) {
TokenStream result = new StandardTokenizer(reader);
result = new StandardFilter(result);
result = new TestLowerCaseFilter(result, Locale.getDefault());
return result;

public static void main(String[] args) {
TestAnalyzer analyzer = new TestAnalyzer();
try {
Query lowerCaseQuery = QueryParser.parse("bush", "text", analyzer);
Query upperCaseQuery = QueryParser.parse("Bush", "text", analyzer);

System.out.println("lower case: " + lowerCaseQuery.toString());
System.out.println("upper case: " + upperCaseQuery.toString());
} catch (ParseException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block


* A [EMAIL PROTECTED] Filter} that adds alternate forms (lower case) for upper case
* tokens to a [EMAIL PROTECTED] TokenStream}.
public class TestLowerCaseFilter extends TokenFilter {
private Locale locale;
private Token alternateToken;

        public TestLowerCaseFilter(TokenStream stream, Locale locale) {
                this.locale = locale;
                this.alternateToken = null;

        /* (non-Javadoc)
         * @see org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream#next()
        public Token next() throws IOException {
                Token rval = null;
                if (alternateToken != null) {
                        rval = alternateToken;
                        alternateToken = null;
                } else {
                        Token nextToken = input.next();
                        if (nextToken == null) {
                                return null;
                        String text = nextToken.termText();
                        String lc = text.toLowerCase(locale);
                        rval = nextToken;
                        if (!lc.equals(text)) {

                                alternateToken =
                                        new Token(
                return rval;


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