On Wednesday 11 February 2004 17:29, Elin wrote:
> hi niako znaeli tools analogicen na unerase ili undelelet pod linux
Ima proekt libtrash - http://freshmeat.net/projects/libtrash/

Mislq imashe pone oshte edno podobno reshenie, no towa weche e stable :)

Za razlika ot funktziqta na mc (Midnight Commander) za undelete na
ext2/ext3, towa ne e swyrzano izobshto s tipa na failowata sistema.
Midnight Commander ima tazi funktziq ot mnogo wreme, no po podrazbirane
ne e wkliuchena. Ot sobstwen opit, wyzstanovwqwaneto e tolkowa neweroqtno
che ne si struwa opitite ako po diska e zapisan/dopylnen dori edin fail...

  Doncho N. Gunchev
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