AJN write//> Leopolis, the Latin name for that place.  

MF//Not to split hairs but Leopolis would be the Greek name for that place.

//Mark Farley

Dear Mark,

It might be Greek to you and me, but it's Latin to most others. For
example, Leopolis _is_ the Latin name forr the Lemberg/Lwow Archdioces in
Galicia founded in 1376.  (Hoffmann's _Liturgical Dictionary_ [1928])  Also
my dictionary says it's Latin..

Maybe the Greek and Latin names are the same.  In Lvov are Greek, Armenian
and Roman churches. It must be quite a melting pot. The city's name is
derived from one of its early rulers, someone named Lev.  I wonder if Roman
has ever been there.


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