Peter Kiraly wrote

<><>it is nice of you, that you mentioned my opinion, that the lute
tablature in British  Library, Ms Sloane 1021, has been incorrectly
attributed to Johannes Stobaeus. To  be frank I would like to state, that I
am not the only person, and definitely not the  first one, who realised
that the traditional attribution to Stobaeus is not correct.

Yes, and that incorrect attributiuon still appears.  Stobaeus was
Kapellmeister in K'berg. That's one of the problems when persons with
incomplete knowledge assign names to manuscripts of lute music.  His name
is squeezed into what was a small space on one of the last pages.

There is a fairly good U.S. dissertation on Sloane 1021 (but mistitled):
Donna May Arnold, "The Lute Music and Related Writings in the Stammbuch of
Johann Stobaeus"  (Ph.D. diss., North Texas State University, 1982; UMI #

Paul Madgewick in Munich wrote on one of these lists that a large cache of
Stobaeus's music had been discovered in a German (non-muisc?) archive.  The
handwritings might shed further informsation about Sloane 1021.


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