[I am re-sending the following as straight text in case some of you ended up 
with an announcement this morning cluttered with font codes] - KB

To the LuteList readers:

On behalf of the Lute Society of America, I have the pleasure to 
announce the LSA Lute Festival 2004 to be held in Cleveland, Ohio, from June 
27 to 
July 2, 2004).

Details on the curriculum are posted:

(please bookmark this site since it will be updated regularly)

The stellar faculty will include:

- Christopher Wilson
- Jacob Heringman
- Paul Beier
- Robert Barto
- Catherine Liddell
- Ellen Hargis
- Ronn McFarlane
- Pat O'Brien
- Arthur Ness
- Doug Freundlich
- Gail Gillispie

Lectures will be given by:

- Mariagrazia Carlone
- Paul Beier
- Ross W. Duffin
- Christopher Morrongiello
- Edward Martin

Details on registration and the cost of tuition and room and board will 
Be forthcoming and to be posted on the LSA Lute Festival 2004 website.

- Kenneth Be, Artistic Director, LSA Lute Festival 2004



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