Thanks for this Gary. I would be interested to know where you found it. Can 
you help?



>From: "Gary Digman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Christmas music for lute
>Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2003 22:36:57 -0500
>I've come across a 17th century English carol that uses the melody of 
>"Robin", i.e. "Come Mad Boys, Be Glad Boys." Lyric follows:
>                    Come mad boys, be glad boys, for Christmas is here,
>                    And we shall be feasted with jolly good cheer;
>                    Then let us be merry, 'tis St. Stephen's day,
>                    Let's eat and drink freely, there's nothing to pay.
>                    My master bids welcome and so does my dame,
>                    And 'tis yonder smoking dish doth me inflame;
>                    Anon, I'll be with you, though you me outface,
>                    For now I do tell you I have time and place.
>                    I'll troll the bowl to you, then let it go round,
>                    My heels are so light they can stand on no ground;
>                    My tongue it doth chatter, and goes pitter-patter,
>                    Here's good beer and strong beer, for I will not 
>                    And now for remembrance of blessed St. Stephen,
>                    Let's joy at morning, at noon, and at even;
>                    Then leave off your mincing and fall to mince-pies,
>                    I pray take my counsel, be ruled by the wise.
>       Enjoy.
>                                                       Gary Digman
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