For a question like this, one should consult perhaps the most important
bibliography, Brown's Instrumental Musoic printed before 1600.  He lists
some 44 original prints containing music for one or more voices and lute,
plus others for bandora and voice, cittern and voice, vihuela and voice,
etc.  Thomas is correct, the Denss book must have a hundred Italian songs
for voice(s) and lute.

For some Spanish songs, already mentioned is the Segovia Cathedral

DATE:   6/15/04 3:32 PM
Re:     Bottegari

Thank you all for answering, Nancy, Arto, Sean Smith, Stewart, RT, and
others.... The Verdelot book I have since long, it's really great music,
but except that one, there is no other Italian music for voice and lute,
except the Bottegari which I'll try to get plus the Bossinensis book too,
that I can get from Minkoff you said. To transcribe madrigals myself....of
course that would be the best way, no objections - but who does that for
me??????? Don't laugh, don't even try to educate me, I just can't do it! I
wonder why there is such a lot of spanish and even some french sources for
voice and lute, but only 2 Italian. Anyway, if someone can tell me some
other Italian voice-lute-books - also new editions in french tablature,
like new transcriptions of madrigals and/or franco-flamish music  - I would
be happy about any infos. If somebody wants so send me his own personal
madrigal-transcriptions, handwritten or else, I pay for it in advance, send
me copies. Just write to my private address how much you want for your
time, mail expenses, etc.... This is no joke, and not much of a problem or
ridiculous or something, I hope. Because I'm not a publisher who wants to
rip someone off, but just a very kind player of the lute, glad to hear from
you on this. But no joking, maybe it's really unjust, somebody does all the
studies and labour to do all the work (if it's hopefully well done), and
then he should get payed off for it with 50 or 100 $, so maybe it's too
personal, and if somebody wants to critizise me for that attitude, I could
understand that viewpoint too.

best wishes,


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