Lynda Sayce never played guitar. Ditto yours truly.
Roman M. Turovsky

> I agree - It's difficult to find a lute player who didn't begin with the
> guitar. (Gateway drug?)
> On 4/7/05 12:07 PM, "Michael Thames" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In the past, the guitar owed much to the lute,  However today the lute
>> owes much to the guitar.
>> Michael Thames
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Edward Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "G.R. Crona" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
>> Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 5:54 AM
>> Subject: Re: Weiss on guitar (was: Willams Concert)
>>> Yes, it is supposed to be, but it seems we have become sidetracked talking
>>> about guitars & John Williams.
>>> Let's change the subject.  2 weeks ago, in Minnesota, we were treated to a
>>> concert by Nigel North.  It was an astonishing performance, all English
>>> music.  I can say that there were no weak or lacking aspects to  his
>>> performance, and it has given me incentives to want to re-explore the
>> music
>>> of Dowland and company.  This is an area which I have neglected for years.
>>> On 2 says, Paul O'Dette will perform the music of Weiss & Bach in St
>>> Paul.  I am very curious to see what he does with baroque lute.
>>> ed
>>> At 10:11 AM 4/7/2005 +0200, G.R. Crona wrote:
>>>> BTW wasn't this a lute list?
>>> Edward Martin
>>> 2817 East 2nd Street
>>> Duluth, Minnesota  55812
>>> e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> voice:  (218) 728-1202
>>> To get on or off this list see list information at

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