> Like you, David, I feel myself moving more towards the archlute, but it 
> must
> be awkward reading tablature with your special tuning.

Not al all. As all (?) renaissance lute players on more than one lute, I 
read everything below the 6th course as notes. Depending on the instrument 
at hand I can play a low C as 10th course, some low bass on the archlute (I 
don't even know which 'number' it is, I just know where the low C is) or not 
at all on the 6 and 8-course, so rather as open fifth course. Low E is an 
open course 9th (or first fret depending on tuning) on the 10-course and the 
first below the low F on the archlute. On the 6th course I'll have to 
transpose it up, as on the 8-course when I have no finger free to fret 
course 8. No magic involved, just habit you pick up along the way


David van Ooijen

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