On Sep 29, 2010, at 1:50 PM, Sam Chapman wrote:

>  The question is becoming more complicated: as far as I can work out,
>   Campion published a "Traite d'accompagnement" (1716) and an "Addition
>   au traite d'accompagnement" (1730). I think that the detailed
>   descriptions of accompanying on theorbo, lute and guitar are in the
>   latter. According to Nigel North's bibliography in "Continuo
>   Playing...." the Campion in question was Francois, but in the more
>   recent Fuzeau "Methodes & Traites Basse Continue" both works are
>   attributed to Thomas (hence the whoops). So, in addition to helping me
>   find a translation, can anyone tell me which Campion we're talking
>   about?!


Thomas Campion was a contemporary of Dowland and Shakespeare.  He died in 1620, 
and wrote nothing about continuo.

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