The closest I've come to this situation was being part of a "Medieval
   tableau" for the inaugural ball of Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis
   in 1975. A I was told not to actually play because Lionel Hampton was
   providing the real entertainment and they didn't want me to interfere
   with him(!!!!). A It was an interesting night. A I did get paid.
   Best to all, and keep playing (or not...),

   On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 10:17 AM, Thomas Schall
   <[1]> wrote:

     looking pretty and busy doesn't sound the worst idea :-)
     this might impress the pretty girls in the 185th row more than the
     imagination of the magical sound haunting them.
     Am 16.03.2014 14:08, schrieb Bernd Haegemann:

     The "projection" topos comes to mind.
     Some lute players believe that - not minding the cello group, 12
     trombones, electric harpsichord, double bass etc. , not to mention
     the rest of the Mahler orchestra - they can project their sound to
     some pretty girls in the 185th row ;-)
     Am 16.03.2014 12:51, schrieb Edward Chrysogonus Yong:

     dear collective wisdom,
     so i was asked to play continuo for a HACURndel Concerto Grosso and
     spent some time working it out. at the first rehearsal i discover
     that the continuo line is also being played by 3 violoncelli, an
     electronic harpsichord, and a double bass all 'playing out'.
     all of these are modern instruments, played aggressively by players
     more accustomed to symphonic music. full chords on my large archlute
     and twiddling nonstop means i am audible to the celli and to the
     conductor. the tutti violins on the other side of the semicircle
     have said they can't really hear me, so i wonder if i'd even be
     heard by the audience.
     i'm sure other lute players have done gigs like this, so what does
     one do in situations where one's lute seems largely ornamental? do i
     just make sure i look pretty?
     II?III? I.I>>IuI-oIII?I 1/2I^1I-oII 1/2 II+-III'II?I 1/4IuI-I?I 1/2
     IuI-o IuI-I|II 1/2I?I IuI 1/4IuI IuIII 1/4II,I..
     HA| litterA| electronicA| ab iPhono missA| sunt.
     aeCURe>>aaeuae>>P:c, 1/4eae-oe-aaa 3/4iPhonea
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