As I remember Anthony's project, the original is in score format and he is 
providing an editorial intabulation for performers.

The options brought up by Chris are interesting. My wife is considering 
publishing on a specialized topic and weighing the pros and cons of print 
versus electronic formats.

I would prefer separate sections, at least -- not a parallel score. I don't 
have a strong feeling about separate or all-in-in, other than it's nice to have 
to an edition lay flat on a stand or table.

Binding types -- saddle-stiched, perfect binding, or plastic comb/wire-o types 
-- could affect how well a printed book works on a music stand depending on 
number of pages and type of paper. You might discuss the issues with your 
printer. You may also be able to request blank "dummy" books be made from your 
chosen paper and binding method in the final size and number of pages to better 
test the option(s).

There are probably also printing/binding cost implications you need to consider 
in producing two bound books instead of one (for each volume).

Good luck!

-- R

On Mar 19, 2014, at 8:51 AM, Christopher Wilke wrote:

> Anthony,
>     I suppose you would need to think about the demographic you want to 
> target. As a performer familiar with the lute, if the facsimile is clear, I 
> would not want the transcription at all. I neither want the bulk of the extra 
> pages nor would I wish to pay for a transcription into a secondary idiom that 
> would be of practically no use to me. An aligned edition with lute and 
> transcription above one another causes too many page turns and is very 
> annoying. (Most lutenists could also easily make a transcription in mensural 
> notation if absolutely needed.)
>    However, if your primary target group is libraries and musicologists, it 
> could be best to have both in the same volume. Let's face it: a lute source 
> is unlikely to be central to the work of a musicologist who doesn't play the 
> instrument him/herself. I could imagine it might be easy for such an 
> individual to feel content referring only to the modern transcription unless 
> the facsimile happens to be conveniently attached. On the other hand, even 
> for this person, it could be a bother to have to constantly flip pages back 
> and forth between editions and they might prefer two volumes that could be 
> laid open simultaneously.
>    Looking beyond traditional media, I hope you'll provide downloadable PDF 
> versions. Since publishing costs are negligible, it shouldn't be too much 
> trouble at all to offer customers the option to purchase a "lute only," 
> transcription only" and "both" edition.
>     Ideally, the ultimate presentation would be a digital version optimized 
> for mobile devices. One would have no choice but to buy the whole shebang. It 
> could have an interactive "view" option wherein one could select between the 
> three different layouts. Different individuals could select the best option 
> for their needs or change the view as circumstances require. It could be 
> multi-media, with options to play midi files or even real performances that 
> follow along with the score. (I must admit, I have no idea of the formatting 
> challenges a tablet version would require. Still, like recordings, I think 
> digital is the way things will eventually go.)
> These are only my opinion.
> Best,
> Chris 
> Dr. Christopher Wilke D.M.A.
> Lutenist, Guitarist and Composer
> --------------------------------------------
> On Wed, 3/19/14, Anthony Hart <> wrote:
> Subject: [LUTE] Lute publications
> To: "Lute List" <>
> Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 8:45 AM
>    Following my
> previous posts I am in the final stages of preparing the
>    lute sonatas of Antonino Reggio. The
> delema is should I include the
>    tablature in the samr volume as the staff
> edition of would it be better
>    to publish two separate volumes. I intend
> to publish 4 volumes of 6
>    sonatas each.
>    Anty suggestions?
>    Many thanks
>    Anthony
>    --
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