We will try again ...

Dear Friends,

Apologies for sending this so late. If you have any questions, please contact 
me directly at dola...@fiu.edu. 

Best wishes to you all,
David Dolata

AMS Louisville 2015
Call for Performances
Deadline: 15 January 2015 
The AMS Performance Committee invites proposals for concerts, lecture-recitals, 
and other performances and performance-related events during the 2015 
Louisville Annual Meeting. We encourage proposals that demonstrate the 
Society’s diversity of interests, range of approaches, and geographic and 
chronological breadth inspired by or complementing new musicological finds that 
develop a point of view or offer a programmatic focus. Performances related to 
the meeting’s venue are especially welcome. 
Freelance artists as well as performers and ensembles affiliated with colleges, 
universities, or conservatories are encouraged to submit proposals. Available 
presentation times include lunch hours, afternoons, and Thursday evening, 12 
November 2015. 
Required application materials include: 1) an application cover sheet 
(available from the AMS office or via this link); 2) a proposed program listing 
repertory, performer(s), and the duration of each work; 3) a list of 
audio-visual and performance needs; 4) a short (100-word) biography of each 
participant named in the proposal; 5) for concerts, a one-page explanation of 
the significance of the program or manner of performance; for lecture-recitals, 
a description (two pages maximum) explaining the significance of the program or 
manner of performance, and a summary of the lecture component, including 
information pertaining to the underlying research, its methodology, and 
conclusions; 6) representative audio or visual materials pertaining to the 
program and performers (twenty minutes maximum). An individual may not present 
both a paper and a performance (or lecture-recital) at the meeting. If an 
individual’s proposals to the Program and Performance Committee are both 
 , the applicant will be given an early opportunity to decide which invitation 
to accept and which to decline. Though the AMS is unable to offer a fee to 
artists, modest subsidies are occasionally available for performance-related 
expenses. Please see the application cover sheet for proposal submission 
details. Materials must arrive at the AMS office no later than 5 p.m. EST, 15 
January 2015. Exceptions cannot be made to this deadline, so please plan 
accordingly. Receipts will be sent to those who have submitted proposals by the 
deadline, and the committee will communicate its decisions by 15 April, 2015. 
—David Dolata 
    Performance Committee Chair

David Dolata, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Musicology
School of Music
Wertheim Performing  Arts Center, PAC 140
Florida International University
11200 S.W. 8th Street
Miami, FL   33199
fax: (305)-348-4073

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