My 45 year old Rubio lute had more than buzzing; it was rattling. The
   braces had come loose when I took it to New York to the shop of Tom Hom
   for adjusting the action. He kept it in his NYC shop that had no
   humidifiers for 6 months. It also split the top. I could make it rattle
   by tapping with the back of my knuckles. The solution was to have Mel
   Wong remove the top and reglue the braces. This is major surgery!
   Fortunately, Mel had sufficient skill to pull it off. Delaminating
   braces in guitars is common enough that there are many videos on
   youtube on how to fix them, but guitars yield access to the braces
   through the sound hole (except for Antonio Torres second era guitars
   with a tournavaz) and lutes do not.

   A. John Mardinly, Ph.D., P.E.
   Retired Principal Materials Nanoanalysis Engineer

   On Apr 13, 2017, at 6:44 PM, sterling price
   <[1]> wrote:

   Hi all- I started having some buzzing on my 13 course powered lute. I'm
   not sure if it is a loose bar or some weird resonance. The buzzing only
   happens on certain courses and I can't isolate where it's coming from.
   Has anyone some advice for me?
   Sent from my iPad
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