Am Mittwoch, 06. September 2017 10:32 CEST, Matthew Daillie 
<> schrieb: 
> Isn't there a cost issue too regarding server storage space?

Given the low price of todays harddisks that price is neglectible.
But there _is_ a cost factor: I used to read my mail on my cellphone and,
at least over here, most cellphone providers do either charge by volume
or limit traffic (with rather high upgrade prices). A few years ago, being 
anoyed by spurious quoting, I did run a (rather unscientific) test and ended up
with a signal/noise ration between 1/5 and 1/10. Quoting an entire email thread 
only to add "yeah, that's funny" is borderline rude.

This is not a technical issue: not removing quoted text is lazyness on the side 
of the 
sender that results in extra effort for the receiver. Is the quoted text 
relevant to the answer?
Does one have to scroll through all of it and search for important information? 
If not,
why did the sender leave it in?

Just my 0.2$

  Ralf Mattes

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

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