So, it's basically a GUI for Wayne's tab. Cool. Hope there is a choice
   to set the flags to only reappear when they change value.
   I'd like to try the beta please.

   On Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 1:13 PM, Luke Emmet
   <[1]> wrote:

     Dear lute list members
     I am announcing the beta release of a new community based free
     software tool for reading and editing lute tabulature. If you are
     interested to try it, please see further details below.
     To get a better idea, you can see some LuteScribe screenshots here:
     Best Wishes
     - Luke Emmet
     LuteScribe â a new community-based free software for reading and
     editing tabulature
     Lute tabulature files are a fundamental way for the lute community
     to exchange music in our modern age. Existing commercial tools
     exist, but alongside these there should be widely available
     community tools to ensure tabulature can be created, read and shared
     by the widest possible range of players, scholars and researchers.
     LuteScribe is a new piece of software designed to allow the
     graphical creation and reading of lute tabulature by Luke Emmet. It
     runs on Windows (or on Mac/Linux via a virtual machine), and
     provides a visual user interface to edit lute tabulature.
     With it you can create new files or open existing lute tabulature in
     two of the most common formats for lute tabulature, namely the TAB
     plain text format or Fronimo FT3 files. A wide range of existing
     tabulature files exist in online repositories and LuteScribe offers
     another way to enjoy and build on this music.
     Under the surface, LuteScribe works together with the long
     established TAB software by Wayne Cripps which provides a wide range
     of typesetting commands to create the tabulature. As a result,
     LuteScribe can produce beautiful typeset output that can be saved as
     PostScript, PDF or printed off for players. A major advantage over
     the native TAB format is that LuteScribe shows the content in a way
     that is familiar to lute players and can be easily edited.
     LuteScribe is a community project and will be released as open
     source software meaning that anyone can contribute changes, fixes or
     Currently LuteScribe is in BETA, and feedback is being collected in
     advance of the upcoming official release. Anyone wishing to test or
     try out LuteScribe should send an email to:
     [3] for further details of how to
     download the current beta version.
     Orlando Lutes
     To get on or off this list see list information at




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