Tony Risinger wrote:
> hello,
> over the past several weeks i have been working intensively on setting
> up my personal servers with LXC based containers.  at this point, i am
> extremely pleased with my setup, and will soon be sharing all that i
> have accomplished in the form of several scripts and implemented
> configuration ideas.  i am using LXC in conjunction with BTRFS; all of
> my containers are populated inside BTRFS subvolumes/snapshots, and i
> have to say this is _very_ slick.  i can create several containers in
> a matter of seconds, all sharing the base install (COW of course).
> this allows me to create a "nano" template, fork it at the filesystem
> level, update it to a "base" template via a package manager, and
> repeat this as many times as i wish (LAMP/etc).  i then fork an
> appropriate template into a usable domain, again at the FS level, and
> run an LXC container inside it.
Right, I tried this kind of configuration and the true is the btrfs is 
*very* useful for consolidating the rootfs of several containers.

> anyways, that is all working extremely well, all my build/run/manage
> scripts are complete.  i am however experiencing one nuisance that
> works against the elegance of it all... how to convince init to die
> once it enters runlevel 0 and all other processes are dead.
You can't. This is something we are trying to solve right now.

Dietmar Maurer posted a some month ago a process forker running in the 
container which has a socket unix opened with the supervisor process 
The process allows to enter the container or execute command inside the 
container from the outside via commands send with the socket.
During the discussion about the shutdown problem, Dietmar pointed when 
the container shutdowns, all the processes exit the container including 
the "forker". So we should be able to detect that with the af_unix 
socket closing and then kill the container from lxc-start.

I don't know if it's the right way to handle the shutdown (that would be 
nice to kill/start again the container at reboot) but I think Dietmar's 
idea is a reasonable workaround and acceptable to be kept long enough 
before we found something better.

> i swear i have tried/considered about everything... playing with
> /etc/powersave, /etc/initscript, powerfail/SIGPWR, replacing
> /sbin/init with /bin/true and calling init U, named pipes from host to
> container/read only bind mounts of a folder with a named pipe to
> trigger something in the host, kill -9 1 in inittab itself, writing a
> custom init in bash, maybe using something other than init like
> upstart (?), and probably several other things that i've forgotten....
>  but they all feel kludgey and complicated.
> init simply refuses to die unless its issued a SIGKILL from the host.
> and thats super inconvenient :-(.  i know pid 1 has special properties
> but i hoped there would be a nice way to address the fact that its not
> _really_ pid one... it just thinks it is.
> this is what i have for an /etc/inittab right now in the containers,
> mostly pretty good i think:
> id:3:initdefault:
> rc::sysinit:/etc/rc.sysinit
> rs:S1:wait:/etc/rc.single
> rm:2345:wait:/etc/rc.multi
> rh:06:wait:/etc/rc.shutdown
> su:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin -p
> c1:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -n -l /bin/autologin -8 38400 tty1 linux
> rb:6:once:/sbin/init 3
> kl:0:once:/bin/touch /dev/hostctl
> p6::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/init 6
> p0::powerfail:/sbin/init 0
> this lets me reboot the container from the inside correctly, or from
> the host with a SIGPWR, or "shutdown" with a SIGINT from the host.
> the autologin binary lets the host login as root no matter what.  this
> next line is my latest/final attempt at managing these "zombie"
> containers once they enter runlevel 0:
> kl:0:once:/bin/touch /dev/hostctl
> on the host i basically run a "timeout 5m cat
> /vps/dom/<DOM>/rootfs/dev/hostctl" for each dom, and monitor the
> return code from that process.  the cat command will block until
> "touched" by init at the end of its life.  at that point i mercilessly
> SIGKILL the container init.  the other option i'm considering is a
> cronjob that loops thru "running" containers, does an lxc-ps on them,
> and if only one process is running assume its init and SIGKILL the
> pesky bugger, this is probably the easier way.
> apologies for the length, but how is everyone else handling this?
> this is the last thing i need to solve before i actually start running
> all my services on this setup.
I was wondering if the kernel shouldn't send a signal to the init's 
parent when sys_reboot is called.

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