On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 14:05, Gordon Henderson <gor...@drogon.net> wrote:

> On Thu, 8 Dec 2011, Arie Skliarouk wrote:
> > When I tried to restart the vserver, it did not came up. Long story
> short, I found that lxc-destroy did not destroy the cgroup of the same name
> as the server. The cgroup remains visible in the /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/master
> directory. The tasks file is empty though.
>  > I had to rename the container to be able to start it.
> Did you remember to stop it first?

Of course! It is part of the vserver stop script.

> > All this on ubuntu 11.04, 3.0.0-12-server amd64. Thoughts, comments?
> Very very similar to what I experience from time to time. (Posted about
> recently with zero response) Although my more drastic solution is to reboot
> the host, but I have gotten away with lxc-stop then a start.

Well, with 65 running containers (24GB of RAM) it is easier to rename the
vserver :)

I've now stopped using memory limits in containers and for the time being
> will let them swap (or share more memory with other containers and swap if
> needed) - they're mostly well behaved though.

My vservers do not behave well and require restrictions.

BTW, do you know how can I restrict number of running processes in a
container (like in openvz)?

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