On Fri, 2012-10-26 at 11:58 -0400, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-10-25 at 23:38 +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> > On Thu, 25.10.12 11:59, Michael H. Warfield (m...@wittsend.com) wrote:
> > > > http://wiki.1tux.org/wiki/Lxc/Installation#Additional_notes
> > > 
> > > > Unfortunately, in our case, merely getting a mount in there is a
> > > > complication in that it also has to be populated but, at least, we
> > > > understand the problem set now.
> > > 
> > > Ok...  Serge and I were corresponding on the lxc-users list and he had a
> > > suggestion that worked but I consider to be a bit of a sub-optimal
> > > workaround.  Ironically, it was to mount devtmpfs on /dev.  We don't
> > > (currently) have a method to auto-populate a tmpfs mount with the needed
> > > devices and this provided it.  It does have a problem that makes me
> > > uncomfortable in that the container now has visibility into the
> > > hosts /dev system.  I'm a security expert and I'm not comfortable with
> > > that "solution" even with the controls we have.  We can control access
> > > but still, not happy with that.
> > That's a pretty bad idea, access control to the device nodes in devtmpfs
> > is controlled by the host's udev instance. That means if your group/user
> > lists in the container and the host differ you already lost. Also access
> > control in udev is dynamic, due to stuff like uaccess and similar. You
> > really don't want to to have that into the container, i.e. where device
> > change ownership all the time with UIDs/GIDs that make no sense at all
> > in the container.
> Concur.
> > In general I think it's a good idea not to expose any "real" devices to
> > the container, but only the "virtual" ones that are programming
> > APIs. That means: no /dev/sda, or /dev/ttyS0, but /dev/null, /dev/zero,
> > /dev/random, /dev/urandom. And creating the latter in a tmpfs is quite
> > simple.
> > > If I run lxc-console (which attaches to one of the vtys) it gives me
> > > nothing.  Under sysvinit and upstart I get vty login prompts because
> > > they have started getty on those vtys.  This is important in case
> > > network access has not started for one reason or another and the
> > > container was started detached in the background.
> > The getty behaviour of systemd in containers is documented here:
> > http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/ContainerInterface
> Sorry.  This is unacceptable.  We need some way that these will be
> active and you will be consistent with other containers.
> > If LXC mounts ptys on top of the VT devices that's a really bad idea
> > too, since /dev/tty1 and friends expose a number of APIs beyond the mere
> > tty device that you cannot emulate with that. It includes files in /sys,
> > as well as /dev/vcs and /dev/vcsa, various ioctls, and so on. Heck, even
> > the most superficial of things, the $TERM variable will be
> > incorrect. LXC shouldn't do that.

> REGARDLESS.  I'm in this situation now testing what I thought was a hang
> condition (which is proving to be something else).  I started a
> container detached redirecting the console to a file (a parameter I was
> missing) and the log to another file (which I had been doing).  But, for
> some reason, sshd is not starting up.  I have no way to attach to the
> bloody console of the container and I have no getty's on a vty I can
> attach to using lxc-console and I can't remote access a container which,
> for all other intents and purposes, appears to be running fine.
> Parameterize this bloody thing so we can have control over it.

Here's another weirdism that's in your camp...

The reason that sshd did not start was because the network did not start
(IPv6 was up but IPv4 was not and the startup of several services failed
as a consequence).  Trying to restart the network manually resulted in

[root@alcove mhw]# ifdown eth0
./network-functions: line 237: cd: /var/run/netreport: No such file or directory
[root@alcove mhw]# ifup eth0
./network-functions: line 237: cd: /var/run/netreport: No such file or directory
[root@alcove mhw]# ls /var/run/
dbus  messagebus.pid  rpcbind.sock  systemd  user
log   mount           syslogd.pid   udev

What the hell is this?  /var/run is symlinked to /run and is mounted
with a tmpfs.

So I created that directory and could ifup the the network and start
sshd.  So I did a little check on the run levels...  Hmmm...  F17
container (Alcove) in an F17 host (Forest).  WHAT is going ON here?  Is
this why the network didn't start?

[root@forest mhw]# runlevel
N 5

[root@alcove mhw]# runlevel

[root@alcove mhw]# chkconfig 

Note: This output shows SysV services only and does not include native
      systemd services. SysV configuration data might be overridden by native
      systemd configuration.

modules_dep     0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
netconsole      0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off
network         0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on    4:off   5:off   6:off

Michael H. Warfield (AI4NB) | (770) 985-6132 |  m...@wittsend.com
   /\/\|=mhw=|\/\/          | (678) 463-0932 |  http://www.wittsend.com/mhw/
   NIC whois: MHW9          | An optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0x674627FF        | possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!

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