Thanks for your help. I love the lxc idea though, and yes im trying to 
run a legacy app.
All out of luck, qemu doesnt seem to be an option either. I have to look 
elsewhere for
a solution.

On 04/05/2013 03:29 PM, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
> On Fri, 2013-04-05 at 14:02 +0200, Benito wrote:
>> Hi Again
>> Just a follow up question, I had a chat today with an ArchArm user in
>> the IRC chat channel, and
>> he said that it is impossible to run a x86 container on Lxc with an ARM
>> host . Is this true ?
>> Because if it is, lxc doesn't really help with the Pi at all .
> That is correct.  So, a Fedora container on a Raspberry Pi is an Fedora
> ARM container, not a Fedora x86 (i686/x86_64) container.  I think I was
> hinting at that in one of my earlier message over the whole 64/32 bit
> thing and asking you if you knew what you were running on.
> I tried to send you a reply to that effect in response to your private
> message to me the other day but the message failed for some unknown
> reason.
> Also, judging from that private message, it sounded like you were trying
> to run a legacy application in that container, that being the reason you
> wanted Fedora 14.  That application sounded like it was compiled for x86
> so you wouldn't be able to run the app in the container.  You would need
> a full emulator to run the app in.
> Still, this was useful to me at least.  It prompted me to test lxc and
> the fedora template out on a Raspberry Pi ARM.  I've already got
> proposed patches in for comments from others and we'll be incorporating
> the fixes into the sources before long.  Sorry if it proved to be a dead
> end for you because of the architecture incompatibilities.
> Regards,
> Mike
>> On 04/03/2013 11:10 PM, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
>>> Cross posting over to the developers list, since this is definitely a
>>> developer issue...
>>> On Wed, 2013-04-03 at 11:29 +0200, Benito wrote:
>>>> Hi There
>>>> I've been working on a project on the Raspberry PI , where we want to
>>>> run a 32-bit /64-bit fedora 14 container
>>>> on the RaspberryPi . I've had success with LXC on a Mint14 64-bit (which
>>>> is Ubuntu 12 based I believe) host  with Fedora 14 - 64bit container  (
>>>> Downloaded FC14 with the template -t parameter below..,, It was as easy
>>>> as running :
>>>> apt-get install yum
>>>> lxc-create -t fedora -n fedora14
>>> Ok...  Got the latest lxc compiled on my Raspberry Pi.  There seem to be
>>> 4 things broken with the "fedora" template on the RPi, two of which are
>>> peculiar to running on the Fedora Remix but one big one will bite
>>> Raspbian as well.  One is a version/config issue with the Fedora
>>> container for supporting systemd in a container.
>>> 1) The architecture is reported by the OS as armv6l but this fails.  The
>>> arm processors should be mapped to arch = arm.  That means adding an if
>>> check in the template.  That applies to both Raspbian and Fedora Remix
>>> hosts.  I don't know of other architechtures are similarly affected.
>>> 2) Running under Fedora Remix 17, the template can not find the release
>>> information and doesn't recognize it as a Fedora family.  Instead of
>>> being in /etc/fedora-release, it's
>>> in /etc/raspberrypi-fedora-remix-release but could also be extracted
>>> from /etc/redhat-release, which is a symlink.
>>> 3) On Fedora Remix, if it finds the release (I added a symlink to test),
>>> it's extracting the wrong field for the version number from the release
>>> file.
>>> This is vanilla Fedora 17:
>>> Fedora release 17 (Beefy Miracle)
>>> This is the RPi Fedora Remix 17:
>>> Fedora remix release 17 (Raspberrypi Fedora Remix)
>>> The template script is extracting the third field (word) and is one off
>>> in this case.  That also causes the yum downloads to bomb.
>>> Both points 2 & 3 can be circumvented by including the -R release to the
>>> template like this:
>>> lxc-create -t fedora -n Fedora17 -- -R 17
>>> But that still leaves the bad architecture which then causes the yum
>>> downloads to blow up.  I added this to the template to get it to work
>>> and it's building a container now.
>>>     if [ "$arch" = "i686" ]; then
>>>         arch=i386
>>>     fi
>>> + if [ "$arch" = "armv6l" ]; then
>>> +     arch=arm
>>> + fi
>>> That should probably be turned into a case statement.
>>> Detecting the correct release file is probably going to be a little ugly
>>> and, maybe, should fall back to /etc/redhat-release if fedora-release is
>>> not present, detect the keyword "Fedora" and skip the optional word
>>> "Remix".
>>> 4) Finally, there's going to need to be a version check in there to add
>>> "autodev = 1" to container configs for versions greater than 14 or
>>> systemd in the container will cause problems for the host system.
>>> Regards,
>>> Mike
>>>> Now I've been struggling with this for a few weeks , Compiled an LXC
>>>> friendly kernel on the Raspbian OS, - Debian wheezy ARM , also tried
>>>> with Fedora ARM remix.
>>>> Is it even possible to run a fedora14 container on ARM (raspberry pi)
>>>> architecture ?
>>>> If so can anyone point me in the right direction ?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Benito
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