I installed and tried LXC Docker yesterday for a couple hours.   Like you
I'm still trying to understand it and being a beta it still has some

I am also not quite sure *yet* how much it adds above what Stephane
Graber's Arkose tool did:   https://www.stgraber.org/category/arkose/   but
that may become clearer the more I use it.

I'm not a developer (so big of me to talk about sw development) but so far
I really like the LXC Web Panel

Command line is easy with LXC but I can envision the LXC WebPanel evolving
into a terrifically capable LXC Management tool for large or more complex
use of LXC if the work to do so occurs.    KVM can be used from the command
line too but Virt-Manager is how most people that are not developers get
introduced to KVM on Linux !!

Here are my wish list of Features/Capabilities I'd like to see added to LXC

   1. Ability to Group & Collapse Containers in views - would be good for
   multi-tenant use-cases or when large numbers of Containers exist but could
   be functionally grouped
   2. Support for nested LXC containers
   3. Support for the new namespaces capabilities
   4. Support for more networking features such as - Open Virtual Switch
   (OVS) support, ability to create & manage multiple VLAN for Containers
   5. Ability to specify a template when creating a Container (I think
   today it defaults to an Ubuntu template).
   6. Possible integration with something like Docker or Arkose so you
   could create a container, and then issue scripts to act against the new
   7. Ability to use LXC Web Panel to manage Containers on multiple
   machines - this is where 1, 4, 6 could come in.

Note:  #7  Serge is where your great work with OVS & GRE
be a great fit.

I'm going to copy the 2 people I believe are the developers of the LXC Web
Panel tool on this reply to the group.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Serge Hallyn <serge.hal...@ubuntu.com>
To: Lee Hambley <lee.hamb...@gmail.com>
Cc: lxc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 12:31:01 -0500
Subject: Re: [Lxc-users] Fwd: LXC WebPanel
Quoting Lee Hambley (lee.hamb...@gmail.com):
> Thanks for sharing, that looks cool - I wouldn't typically have looked for
> Python based solutions given my background in Ruby, but it's a neat,
> one-liner installation. If only it started itself in a container, somehow
> :-)
> I hope some tooling around creating rootfs' will improve as quickly as the
> admin interfaces, the /docker/ project seems to be making great strides in
> that direction, but it seems like a lot of tooling for what should be a
> simple problem, tarballs, anyone?

The cool thing about that is that you can pretend you have VCS for your
vm images.  So you can make a change, check it in, make another change,
etc.  With clone in the api supporting overlayfs I want to similarly

        lxc-create [...] -n r1
        <make changes>
        lxc-clone -o r1 -s -n r2
        <make changes>
        lxc-clone -o r2 -s -n r3
        <make changes>
        <mistake go back to r1, make other changes>
        lxc-clone -o r1 -s -n r10

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