Quoting Kalyana sundaram (kalyan...@gmail.com):
> Hey
> I have a host machine and 4 lxc containers. All running centos 6.3
> Containers use macvlan to connect to internet
> I face improper memory usage.
> free mem is way less than rss+cache
> Sunreclaim keeps on increasing until reboot due to out of memory
> slabtop shows skbuf_fclone_cache and size-1024 on top
> This issue didnt arise when I networked with veth
> Is it  a known macvlan issue. Has anybody seen it?

Not known to me.  Seems to "obviously" be a memory leak in the
kernel you're using.  I'd report a bug against centos.  It will
help if you can whittle the test down to a small script, which
might be possible with something like

cat > breakme.sh << EOF
for i in `seq 1 50`; do
        (lxc-unshare -s NETWORK -- sleep 10) &
        ip link add type veth peer name xxx
        ip link set xxx netns $!

sleep 10
cat /proc/meminfo

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