
Thanks for your kind response, I will look into this...

However, the functionality, that I am looking for is similar to a process
i.e. if a Process A is running ->(clone) -> Process A +  Process B(copy of
process A)

In a similar manner if LXC container A  is running -> (clone) -> LXC A+ LXC
B(copy of lxc A).

I just saw a command called *lxc-clone, *however, could not find any man
pages for it.
Could anyone explain how it works, it's current status? And if it or any
other command can achieve what I described above?


On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 8:50 PM, Andrew Grigorev <and...@ei-grad.ru> wrote:

>  http://criu.org/Main_Page
> 11.07.2013 02:39, Nipun Arora пишет:
> Hi All,
>  I am new to LXC usage, and would like to understand/use LXC for some of
> my new projects.
>  The following is a use-case that I am looking for:
>  Say if a process is running in the native host or a lxc container, and
> at a point in the execution of this process I would like to copy the
> context, and fork a new LXC container with the given context of this
> process.
>  How can this be achieved using LXC?
>  With a brief look through I realized one possible way could be
> checkpointing, and using that checkpoint to launch a new container while
> letting the earlier container continue execution.
> Alternatively is there a process migration mechanism available in LXC that
> could be used to get a similar result?
>  Thanks
> Nipun
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