I will reference this thread in  #openwrt and/or their forums, but maybe
someone here can take a crack at unrolling a few layers to coax openwrt
into running within a guest.

I have a clean install of Debian 7.1 (not a dist-upgrade etc) on the host.
Host is amd64, 2gb of ram, 3.6TB of storage (12MB allocated for the first
of ten planned openwrt guests).
Guest is Openwrt generic x86 via
Guest was simply created as:
  298  modprobe ext3
  299  lxc-create -n openwrt00 -B lvm --vgname tv --lvname openwrt00
--fstype ext3 --fssize 12M
  302  mkdir /media/openwrt00
  303  mount /dev/tv/openwrt00 /media/openwrt00/
  304  cd /media/openwrt00/
  307  tar xvf ~supaplex/public_html/openwrt-x86-generic-rootfs.tar.gz
  314  umount /media/openwrt00
  339  lxc-start -n openwrt00

History line 339 with apparent issues here:

root@tv:~# lxc-start -n openwrt00
init started: BusyBox v1.19.4 (2013-03-06 20:07:44 UTC)
sysinit: wc: /proc/bus/pci/devices: No such file or directory

sysinit: Could not open mtd device: rootfs

sysinit: Could not open mtd device: rootfs

sysinit: grep: /proc/filesystems: No such file or directory

sysinit: /etc/rc.common: eval: line 1: can't create
/proc/sys/kernel/hostname: nonexistent directory

sysinit: /etc/rc.common: line 1: can't open /proc/cmdline: no such file

sysinit: firewall already loaded

sysinit: bind(): Address already in use

sysinit: Error: No sockets bound, unable to continue

sysinit: dnsmasq: failed to seed the random number generator: No such file
or directory

sysinit: sysctl: chdir(/proc/sys): No such file or directory

If you have any suggestions to clean the install up, I'm all ears.

I have an ath9k pci-e adapter in the host, and plan to use this phy to
create additional adapters to arbitrate into the guest.
iw phy phy0 interface add wlanfoo0 type managed (I've pulled this off
before on the host, connecting to the same AP multiple times, with
different wlanfoo0 mac addresses, but forwarding / ip route, seems to
disregard nh+phy when nh is identical). Additional phy reachability should
indicate another possible way to the destination...
http://sourceforge.net/p/lxc/bugs/40/ (and hopefully this is working).


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