
David Feldman has written on Tuesday, 22 October, at 16:01:
>I'm still unable to solve this one --- I would like to set my lxde desktop X 
>server to allow incoming connections from other (x-11) clients on my LAN. I 
>tried xhost + (on the LXDE machine) for access control to no avail. The 
>machine on which the LXDE/X server reside has no firewall.

What exactly are you trying to achieve?

Well, to be exact, in terms of X - server is always X-server that manages
display and input (keyboard and mouse), and everything else (including
LXDE components) are clients. Clients (applications) may be started as on
machine where you are, as on any other host. Server is always started on
machine where your display and input are plugged in as I said.

You probably mean connection to remote machine where LXDE resides and
run, which is well known as XDMCP - you run X server on remote machine in
special (proxy) mode so you can start a session using display and input
from another host. To allow that you should setup the display manager
(XDM, KDM, etc.) to allow remote logins and then start X on another host
using option -query, that way you will have only X server running on host
with display and input, but all applications will run on remote machine.

>I posted this question a couple of weeks ago but still am not able to find a 
>solution; if anyone can assist I'd be very grateful.


Best regards,

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