Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| >>>>> "Lars" == Lars Gullik Bjønnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| Lars> fwrite is essentially fprintf without buffering. So it should be
| Lars> no problem switching to fprintf. (actually fprintf are
| Lars> preferrable because of the buffering)
| fwrite was used instead of fprintf because it is supposedly faster, I
| think.

if fprintf works we can switch to that without problems (in 1.0.x)

In 1.1.x we will not use C i/o.

| Lars> BUT it is strange, both fwrite and fprintf are conforming to
| Lars> ANSI C.  Could it be that we are missing a file.close or a
| Lars> file.flush ?
| The file.close() is there. Is the file.flush() necessary?

No, it should not be...but if there is a bug in the library..


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