Helge Hafting wrote:
Helge Hafting wrote:

Georg Baum wrote:

Helge Hafting wrote:

Lyx discovered the existence of a converter, invoked
lilypond which ran without error messages, but  then
lyx (using -dbg external,graphics) claimed that no
file was produced.  Very strange that. Note that
I don't actually tell lilypond where to put the output file,
but lilypond will then put it where it finds the
input file.

No, it will put it in the current directory (at least version 2.4.4)

Urgh.  Even 2.9.17 does this - I have now reported this bug to them.
But view->pdf / view->dvi still works, I guess LyX is smart enough
to run lilypond in the /tmp directory in these cases?

Instantly viewing a .png in lyx certainly require a script though.
I'll do that.

Can you explain what the -b and -d arguments do? My version of lilypond does not have them.

The stable lilypond releases 2.6 and 2.8 both  have -b.
Version 2.4 does not have it.  Seems to me that trying to support
lilypond 2.4 is a bad idea, as 2.4 don't export pdf like 2.6 and 2.8 do.
Debian have lilypond 2.6, I don't know about other distributions, but
there will be some time until lyx-1.5 anyway?

I have two machines, one have lilypond 2.9 and the other will get 2.6 shortly.
This way I'll get something that works for old lilypond as well as
the development version. Hopefully this will also cover versions inbetween
and the upcoming release as well.

I hope supporting lilypond 2.4 isn't necessary, export/view->pdflatex
really like to include a .pdf file, which lilypond 2.6 and up provides.

I'm running SuSE9.3 Enterprise and they ship it with lilypond 2.4.4.
I upgraded it to lilypond 2.8 already and it is easy to do for
non-admin users too. So I would say support for 2.4 is not really needed.

I'm very interested in seeing this feature usable. Thank you.



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