On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 02:30:04PM +0100, Georg Baum wrote:
> Sven Hoexter wrote:
> > To be honest I'm still unsure if this is a good way to handle the
> > translations. I donno how you worked with changes of translated text
> > in the past.
> The standard way: Change the original text and let the translators handle
> the translations. There is a Makefile target to remerge the translations.
> Just call
> make update-po
> in bulddir/po, and the new address will be merged into the po files. The old
> translation will be marked as fuzzy, so the only thing a translator has to
> do is to change the address in the old translation and remove the fuzzy
> mark.
Ah ok so everything will be handled automagically the next time someone
rebuilds those po files. Nice.

Thanks for the explanation Georg.

If God passed a mic to me to speak
I'd say stay in bed, world
Sleep in peace
   [The Cardigans - 03:45: No sleep]

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