Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Kümmel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Now I don't understand anymore why you want to scale bitmap icons?
> Peter> I don't like the big toolbars, and don't care about the
> Peter> artifacts of the scaled-down bitmaps.
> What size is a 'big' toolbar to you?
> One problem is that our icons have different sizes (from 20x20 to
> at least 26x26 from what I can see).
> Can't we tell qt "don't resize anything"?

I don't think this is possible. I've read nothing abaout it in the
docs. The only way is to make the icon size as big as the biggest
icon, then the icons will not be scaled because Qt doesn't scale them
up, only down.

Peter Kümmel

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