>>>>> "Bennett" == Bennett Helm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bennett> On Apr 27, 2007, at 9:52 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>>>>>>> "Bennett" == Bennett Helm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Bennett> Here's a minor patch to INSTALL.MacOSX needed to enable
Bennett> LyX-1.5 to compile with Qt-4.3. Could someone please put it
Bennett> in?
>>  Done. Note that your instructions are overkill for people
>> compiling from release tarballs. You should separate in a
>> 'compiling svn checkout' the parts that mention autogen.sh, GNU
>> gettext and automake.

Bennett> That's news to me. What are the differences?

In a lyx-1.5.0.tar.gz, autoconf and automake (and therefore running
autogen) is not necessary, since everything has been done before.
Also, the utilities provided by gettext are not necessary. The
minimal instructions are therefore
make install

Of course, you need to add a few things for the mac, but we'll try to
remove this need.


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